:Base msinfo32.hlp>proc4 :Title Microsoft System Info :Index msinfo32=msinfo32.hlp>proc4 1 Overview 2 Introduction=msinfo32_index 2 File Menu 3 Run=HID_FILE_RUN 3 Save=HID_FILE_SAVE 3 Print=HID_FILE_PRINT 3 Exit=HID_APP_EXIT 2 Edit Menu 3 Copy=HID_EDIT_COPY 3 Select All=HID_SELECT_ALL 2 View Menu 3 Toolbar=HID_VIEW_TOOLBAR 3 Status Bar=HID_VIEW_STATUS_BAR 3 Refresh=HID_VIEW_REFRESH 3 Always on Top=HID_ALWAYS_ONTOP 2 Help Menu 3 Help Topics=HID_HELP_INDEX 3 About Microsoft System Info=HID_APP_ABOUT 1 How to ... 3 Sort data displayed for the category=howto_sort 3 Show available space on network drives=howto_show_network_drives 3 Test an audio driver=howto_test_audio_driver 3 Locate an alternative sample=howto_locate_alternative_sample 3 Configure an audio driver=howto_configure_audio_driver 3 Copy specific category data=howto_copy_category_data 3 Run another application=HID_FILE_RUN 3 Save a listing of all the information=HID_FILE_SAVE 3 Print a listing of all the information=HID_FILE_PRINT 3 Select the entire list of items=HID_SELECT_ALL 3 Hide the toolbar bitmaps=HID_VIEW_TOOLBAR 3 Regather the information for the current category=HID_VIEW_REFRESH 1 What is ... 3 An appropriate sample for media testing=popup_appropriateness 3 Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)=popup_pcm 3 Virtual Memory=popup_virtual_memory 1 Information Categories 2 System 3 Item Description=HID_ITEMS_SYSTEM 2 Printing 2 Item Description=HID_ITEMS_PRINTING 2 System DLL's 2 Item Description=HID_ITEMS_SYSTEM_DLLS 2 Font 3 Font Substitutions=HID_CATEGORY_FONT_SUBSTITUTIONS 3 Font Managers=HID_CATEGORY_FONT_MANAGERS 2 Proofing 3 Registry Settings=HID_CATEGORY_PROOFING_REGISTRY_SETTINGS 3 INI settings=HID_CATEGORY_PROOFING_INI_SETTINGS 3 File Info=HID_CATEGORY_PROOFING_FILE_INFO 2 Graphic Filters 3 Registry Settings=HID_CATEGORY_GRAPHIC_FILTERS_REGISTRY_SETTINGS 3 INI settings=HID_CATEGORY_GRAPHIC_FILTERS_INI_SETTINGS 3 File Info=HID_CATEGORY_GRAPHIC_FILTERS_FILE_INFO 2 Text Converters 3 Registry Settings=HID_CATEGORY_TEXT_CONVERTERS_REGISTRY_SETTINGS 3 INI settings=HID_CATEGORY_TEXT_CONVERTERS_INI_SETTINGS 3 File Info=HID_CATEGORY_TEXT_CONVERTERS_FILE_INFO 2 Display 3 Item Description=HID_ITEMS_DISPLAY 2 Audio 3 Item Description=HID_ITEMS_AUDIO 2 Video 3 Item Description=HID_ITEMS_VIDEO 2 CD ROM 3 Item Description=HID_ITEMS_CDROM 2 Applications Running 3 Item Description=HID_ITEMS_APPLICATIONS_RUNNING 2 OLE Registration 3 Registry Settings=HID_CATEGORY_OLE_REGISTRATION_REGISTRY_SETTINGS 3 INI settings=HID_CATEGORY_OLE_REGISTRATION_INI_SETTINGS 2 Active Modules 3 Item Description=HID_ITEMS_ACTIVE_MODULES